Jenna Fischer, the actress best known for her role as the lovable Pam Beesley in the hit comedy TV show The Office, has recently revealed she received a breast cancer diagnosis last year.
The actress took to the social media platform Instagram to make a post regarding the topic. “Back in October 2023, I posted a photo of myself on Instagram preparing for my routine mammogram with a joking reminder to ‘take care of your ticking time bags’ a la Michael Scott,” she wrote, referencing a Steve Carrell joke on the show. “After inconclusive results on that mammogram due to dense breast tissue my doctor ordered a breast ultrasound. They found something in my left breast. A biopsy was ordered. Then, on December 1, 2023, I learned I had stage 1 triple positive breast cancer.”
Thankfully, Fischer said she was able to overcome it, and is now cancer-free. “I am happy to say that I was recently re-screened, and the treatments worked. I am cancer-free. I will continue to be treated and monitored to help me stay that way,” she went on to say.
“Again, don’t skip your mammogram!”
She says that on December 1, 2023, she was informed that she had stage 1 triple-positive breast cancer. She then underwent a lumpectomy in January to remove the rumor, which she was fortunate to catch early. She says the treatment was “aggressive,” which required 12 rounds of chemo in February, and three weeks of radiation therapy later on in the summer.
She mentioned she was glad to never have to wear a wig again, noting she was still working while undergoing the rounds of treatment. She is currently the co-host of the podcast “Office Ladies”, alongside Angela Kinsey. She also featured in the 2024 remake of the comedy film Mean Girls.